most exciting moment is when a puppy arrives home. He is barking and barking, jumping into the arms of the family. Everyone is expressing their opinions on where puppy stay, we will remove it for walks and most important part, the decision to call the name of a small dog. Puppy is to become a part of your family happy, and you are happy welcome home. In the entire ruckus and created by the arrival of new, we tend to forget to bring home a puppy is full of responsibility. You need to learn the hairball with the laws of the human world and your home. You must take a package leading role, and user training through difficult terrain puppy and dog obedience. If you want to brighten the future of your puppy, you should read the following tips on how to train a puppy.
How to train a puppy
How to train a puppy is a lesson that is not a bed of roses. Together with the puppy, you have to discipline. If giving up a little, this will result in all your efforts to drain. Dog training requires patience, perseverance and dedication. Mix all ingredients with a little love and lots of love. You'll end up with a dog that is sociable, easy to handle and well trained.
Part is important to note that young chicks are big brave. You will need to work hard to attract their attention, and even harder to get their attention. You will need to encourage and reward the dog each time he follows your instructions. You have to motivate him to succeed and to inculcate the desired behavior.
Training should be fun and consistent. Time for a training session should be short and not too long. Dog will become bored and refuse to follow you. Start with a few simple commands and passes the more difficult. Avoid penalties and kicking your chickens. If he does not understand what they were trying to do, give it time. After all, he is a young Mutt (pun intended)!
Be realistic in your workouts, as it will be easier to achieve for the puppy. You must be flexible and very patient with your workouts. Puppy hood is a moment of pleasure and play. Include fun and play your dog trick lessons, your puppy will follow easily. Remember, dogs are pack animals. You must stay strong and confident in your workouts. Do not let your dog shake. If you stay strictly commands, the puppy will follow as a leader of the pack. If you never give up the reins of your puppy, dog behavior problems you have in your hands. With this initial orientation to follow the amateur dog trainer, we continue with some basic puppy training.
How to teach a puppy to pee outside
Peeing is one of the lessons it has to start training. How to teach a dog to pee outside must leave one day. You should be aware of signs that the dog has to pee. It will start whining, smell and sit around for a while, then suddenly. It can even leave the area where he sleeps or plays. This may mean that you need to pee.
You need to put the dog on a leash and takes him to where he is allowed to pee. Once you've arrived at the scene, walking in circles in the same area. It's a way to tell the dog where he should eliminate. Use a cue word such as "go potty" or "hurry up" every time you pee or take him shit. It is the first command obedience training your dog so make sure you keep things simple and short.
Once your puppy poop or urine in the region after the word says it should, praise him instantly. Reward him with a treat for dogs. Make sure you shower with lots of praise, which shows that you are satisfied with his behavior. But if you do not pee or shit After touring around the area or using the word cue after 5 minutes, take it inside. Keep it in its cage or box and take it back after about 20 minutes. After removing the outside, you must enable it to take some time around the house. After about 30 minutes saying he was limited to the case or a pen. After about an hour to take it back into the toilet. This is very important that puppies have little control over their bladder. You can read about how to potty train a puppy.
You should take your puppy outside to pee or shit minutes he gets up in the morning. Next, make sure to remove 15 minutes after meals. It should also be taken outside to pee or shit before you sleep at night. At night, you must obtain at least twice and he in the toilet outside. As children, the dog can not hold their bladder all night. You and your puppy will go through the trouble of getting up from his sleep to calm the chickens, but the initial problem will help you sleep in peace, like the rest of your life. Make sure you stick to this routine while house training a puppy
You can teach your puppy not even tell you where to go. You can attach a bell to the door handle that reaches his nose. Each time you get with the program of routine toilet, make sure you ring the bell and the use of the word mark "go potty". Continue this exercise for 2 weeks. After two weeks, you just say pot does not ring the bell. Wait and allow your puppy to ring the bell. If he does, praise him lots and lots. If he does not shake the bell for the next 15 seconds, you call and say "go potty". Pretty soon your puppy will learn this trick and rings the bell whenever you need to use the toilet.
They are related to accidents, when this happens, do not punish or yell at the dog. Clean the area and make sure to follow more closely the training. A new puppy should not be allowed to move freely around the house. Make sure you designate an area to keep the pen or crate your puppy limited. This box or cage should be in this part of the house, with more traffic. In the kitchen, hall or living room. This puppy will not feel lost and alone. You can learn more about how to house train a puppy and how you potty train little puppy.
Learning of a puppy to sit
Another tip of the dog obedience training is to teach a puppy to sit and stay. You need a delicious dog treat in your hand and bring them closer to your mouth chicken. Keep dogs on the nose and say "Sit." Hand treat container should be developed before it enters directly into the dog's head. Chin dog will follow your hand and you descend. Dog will sit on your own. Minutes he sits, praise him and treat him generously. Continue this exercise several times. If you find the dog raises its back legs, it means that the hand is held too high. We must make smaller and allows the dog to sit. Remember, the key word is "sit".
After several successful attempts, spread over several days, it's time to make him stand without treatment. Do not show him her address and command to sit. If he does, you hit a jackpot. treat him with praise and treats of course. Practice, practice and practice. Soon, your puppy will become an expert with the command "Sit."
How to train a puppy not to bite
There is never a good idea to allow your puppy to bite, or even give you a slight bite. puppy that you can play Kill, but it's a bad idea. If the dog is off the bite, it can become a serious problem as it develops into an adult dog. To avoid the impact of the game cute puppy is always better to learn to train a puppy not to bite.
If your puppy bites you, immediately give a loud shout or cry. Puppy must blindness, and walking away. After about a minute or two to make a dog toy and start playing. If he bites or PIN again, shouted a big "OOUCCHH" and walk away. Puppy ask you to stop having fun? In addition, your loud cry to discourage him from evil, because I do not want to offend you in any way.
If this does not work you may need to try to trap path. He and empty can and fill it with some coins. Seal your mouth and every time the dog bite or PIN to you, shake and can give "Stop", a verbal command. Once the puppy stops biting, praise him and give him his salary.
If both the above methods fail, the method can be judged neck. When your puppy bites you, give a loud cry. At the same time, keep the skin of his neck and give a firm neck. Do not shake or pull up or the dog away. Just keep it firmly, neck and said "do not bite." You should go on his neck and keep playing. After some time, stop scrubbing and use only "No Bite" to correct it.
Here are some ways how to stop a dog bite. If the dog growls, or respond to one of the methods, talk to a professional dog trainer. This can be a problem dog behavior that must be corrected. The trainer or veterinarian may be able to say what appears to be the central issue and help him overcome dog.
Some basic how to train a puppy tips and tricks. There are many lessons that you need training to learn such as:
Dog leash training
Aggressive Dog Training
How to teach a dog to fetch
How to keep dogs on furniture
Be sure to follow the advice dog training on a regular basis will help you determine how the dog behaves in the future. A well-trained dog is always a pleasure and peace of mind for the owner. Hope, how to train a puppy in the paragraphs above tips will help you familiarize yourself with your bundle of joy.
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