Tuesday, March 15, 2011

beginners guide to dog obedience training

In Part 6 of our beginners guide dog training, dog training will be forthcoming. It's actually a very technical canine important that all chickens and dog owners must master. The rationale for the training of dogs to come when you say it's mainly for security reasons.

How many times have you been walking the dog or puppy, run and not come back when you called - if it occurs near a road, then you might have serious problems. I recently heard a story where a homeowner had left the two dogs (a Jack Russell Terrier Border and other) outside the forest near their home. Chickens ran straight into a herd of horses began to chase the dollar and two puppies. How they managed to avoid being trampled anyone's guess, but it reinforces the learning of this technique is so important. so let's get started.


1. Start this training technique dog in a quiet place - if you have a garden, then to do - but if you have a hallway, then it is also good. As your dog or puppy is not distracted by other noises - is the most important factor.

2. Begin by facing your dog or puppy and put his name and say, "Come." When the dog starts walking toward you give him lots of praise and treatment. You need to raise the tone of your voice and your arms wide open as it gets closer.

3. Once the dog is about to go down on hands and knees so that you are the eyes of your dog - it's a more welcoming place for your dog or puppy and encourage them to come closer.


1. Buying a long leash so that you can extend your dog or puppy can only go a short distance and set the leash for your dog or puppy.

2. You should stand with the dog on the right side. Ask your dog to sit on the right side. You must be on a leash in your right hand to close the collar and leash some slack in the left hand - and place one foot on the leash - you'll learn why in a minute.

3. Now, let your dog walk (on leash is still attached to the collar) and leash for dogs through the hands until it stops (because the foot is on the left).

4. Only when your dog is about to stop or if she stopped calling his name in a tone of welcome (as I did before) and use the "Come" command .

5. When the dog is about to reach your open arms and you kneel down and give him lots and lots of praise and rewards. Keep practicing, and when you finish each training session had some time to play. This is important because you want your dog to enjoy the training sessions.

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