If you think happened to separation anxiety in humans, you are incorrect. Your dog can suffer from separation anxiety as well. Fortunately, you can train your dog to recover.
It is essential in any type of dog training to assert your dominance as the leading group. Establishment of alpha get rid of most behavioral problems of dogs. Most dogs with separation anxiety feel alpha, and is upset when you left that he feels he must take care of you and worry about you during your absence.
You also do not want your dog loves you very much. If your dog is more independent, he will not have as many problems when you left for a while. Others were at home to care for the food and functions for the dog, so he only sees you as his only source of love and attention. This is not a big problem whenever you leave home or go home.
It is important to use positive reinforcement methods so that your dog can learn that it is not bad when he is alone. Always ignore bad behavior and rewards when good behavior. A good example is ordering him to stay and walk into the room. If it still there when you leave and return to the room, give him a healthy salary and rub his head. He will learn that it is better for him to be in one place and you in another.
Consistency is important to practice this technique regularly during the day, going farther and farther away from your dog each time and becoming more and more to return to your dog. Make sure you always reward your return, if he stayed up and waited patiently for you to come back.
Every time you raise the dog to follow you, return it to its original position and remind him that he must stay there until you return. However, do not punish your dog does not stay like this will have a negative impact on your training attempts. Whichever method you choose training, ensure the training of dogs in a positive way.
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