In the hectic society today, focusing on cases where people spend long periods away from home, dogs are often neglected and left to themselves in their own fenced in yards or inside the house or apartment. Not only is it bad for a dog's personality and emotional health to be restricted for very long periods of time, it can also have a negative impact on their physical health if they are not enough exercise. Not to mention the fact that dogs can easily become destructive if left alone until they get bored and need something to do.
The solution to these problems is to get the dog house for a little exercise and interaction with other people and animals, and there is no better place to do that in a park Dog. Take your dog for a walk every day does not allow the sun, fresh air and exercise, but a dog park also offers socialization and exercise more intensely with other dogs. Take your dog to a dog park also offers the opportunity to meet people who share your interest in dogs, to exchange stories, compare strategies, pet ownership, or find other interests. Dog Park can be a wonderful experience for both your dog and yourself, as long as you follow some simple rules and straightforward.
Leave the park as you found it. That's rule number one for each dog park clean up after yourself and your dog, or you may not be allowed to return. Cleanliness of religious dog while you are inside and outside the park boundaries. Not only is it rude to let your dog leave little piles of garbage in the park are also at risk of unhealthy growth of bacteria in soil where other dogs and owners are walking and reading. Make sure you always keep plastic bags, paper towels, a shovel shit, or any other tool you need to make sure the dog leaves the park as it was found.
Keep an eye on your dog. So it is not necessary for you to watch your dog closely every minute you're in the park should remain in the park, you're still there. Leave your dog alone in the park the other owners can not only unpleasant, it can also cause your dog to be injured by another dog or leave the park without your knowledge. While dog parks are fenced, should never be regarded as a safe place for you to drop your dog off right.
Create and maintain a "cultural park". The best parks, dog owners know and create a community where they can count on them to keep peace and maintain a spirit of camaraderie and social interaction for dogs and humans. If a dog park culture thrives there, regular visitors can work together to monitor the behavior of humans and animals, educate new visitors to the park and help to keep problems to a minimum. Make sure you have all the tools you need to implement when you get to the park-towels, treats, leashes, and anything you might need. Continually having to borrow from other park visitors leave a bad impression.
Make sure your dog is a good choice. Not every dog is a good candidate to go to a dog park. If your dog has a serious problem or behavior is uncomfortable around other dogs or people, then you may want to avoid taking him to the park, if you do not invest in courses obedience or other training strategies. Dogs with problems like these should be socialized more carefully and deliberately in the structured environment of a dog park. To have a good experience and to be fair to others visiting the park, the dog must be reasonably confident and social, not aggressive, and the listener at least the basic commands. If your dog will not come when called, you can ask to take her to a place where it can be difficult to control, if necessary. continual barking or aggressive dogs are not welcome in the parks to dogs, both for visitors to the amusement park and others who live nearby.
Do not take your dog in the park, is ill. Diseases or pests are problematic because they can infect other animals, but the conditions of chronic pain such as hip dysplasia or arthritis can make a dog aggressive or reactive with other dogs if they are injured or they are afraid.
Make a reconnaissance trip in advance. Before taking your dog in the park for the first time, stopping only a few minutes to check the environment and get a feel for the culture of the park. When you take your dog for the first time, try going to a non-usage time points so that both can become familiar with the area without being stressed and distracted by other animals and people.
appropriate human behavior is also important. Most parks have rules against the introduction into toys, but remember that it may provoke a fight between animal owners or if you bring a toy that flies like a Frisbee. Remember that dogs are like children fighting over a toy and can cause problems or injury. Do not bring small children or young chicken dog park, because you have no idea what to expect from other dogs will be there. If someone comes to you with a complaint about your dog, do not rush the decision immediately and not be immediately on the defensive. Listen to the complaint, apologize if you think the dog was aggressive and be ready to leave if necessary. If you have a problem with another dog, be polite and respectful approach the owner to discuss the issue. Never discipline another person's animal. If you need to break up a fight between dogs, be careful and use all necessary means to end, but never try to punish another dog. If the behavior of another dog is unacceptable to you, the best thing to do is remove the dog from our own fleet, rather than trying to correct problems caused by another dog.
Dog parks can be a godsend for people who need a place to give their dog some freedom while being able to control them. They can be a perfect place to give your dog exercise and socialization, or they can be a nightmare that you and your dog may be traumatized or injured. Result of your trip to the dog park is primarily dependent on you. If you understand the rules necessary for the label and follow the Dog Park Dog Park, and will be the best place for you to take your best friend.
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